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There isn’t a person that hasn’t ever been tempted to visit a palm reader and find out something about their future, career and even love. Everyone grows up dreaming about the love of their life and many people would like to know more about this person before they even met her/him.
Luckily, you no longer need to go to a palm reader in order to know your love story. You can actually read your palm lines yourself by simply looking at the very first line below your fingers. This line is called the line of marriage and it can tell a lot about your relationship status.
Now, look at your palms and see what the line of marriage says about your love life!
3 different types of palm lines:
  1. The same height
The same height palm lines means that your family will like and accept your life partner.
  1. The right hand is higher.
When the right hand palm lines is higher than the left, it means that you aren’t really conservative in terms of following social standards, but instead, you only do what you want to do.
  1. The left hand is higher.
When the left palm line is higher than the right, it means that you are fearless and love taking challenges and exploring unconventional ways.

Imagine this. You’re asleep and you’re having the best dream of your life. All of a sudden your body suddenly jerks and you wake up from your fantasy land. Sucks right? Why did your body suddenly wake you up? Has this ever happened to you before?
 Apparently this is a common occurrence, and scientists have finally figured out what this means. Researchers have created theories regarding this activity. This phenomenon is known as the ‘hypnic jerk.’
Sometimes it can feel like you are falling from a great height. People everywhere have come up with all different ways to try and explain this feeling. One thought is that a demon is choking you while you sleep. We have all experienced it in a different way but the final result is that you end up waking up from your state of rest.
One theory suggests that the hypnic jerk is a visual perception of falling that people experience in their dreams just before they wake up. One possibility is that the parts of the brain working dream creation might be trying to make sense of the sudden urge to wake up, and this results in a dream scenario being created. This is only a theory right now, and more research needs to be done to confirm this.
First of all, experts believe that there are some outside causes that could increase your likelihood for hypnic jerks, such as caffeine or tobacco.It’s recommended that you don’t drink coffee within hours before bed as you could increase your chances of succumbing to the phenomena.
Stimulant medications such as Adderall or Ritalin could also have a similar effect. Sleep deprivation is also a trigger as the condition is brought on when your body relaxes but a part of your brain remains stimulated.
The jerk usually happens when someone falls asleep too quickly from major exhaustion. In the first stages of sleep, your heart rate and breathing slows down quickly. Sometimes when someone is really exhausted, the brain proceeds through this stage of sleep too quickly and it confuses the brain into thinking you are dying and that systems are failing. Then the body quickly responds with a jolt of chemicals that make you jerk awake. This is the working theory of the ‘hypnic jerk.’
In this article I’m gonna to Show you 5 ways to pen test a wireless network. It’s all for educational purpose only and don’t use in wrong way.
The Tools we need is Kali Linux or Backtrack. Download the latest Kali Linux from here.
First one is using Wifite to capture Wireless traffic and save it as a file, and next crack the saved Client handshake in the file with aircrack and creating word list with Crunch.
In order to do this, open terminal and type wifite and hit enter.
Wifite Result
Wifite Result
Let the Wifite search and find all Wireless SSIDs.
When you find them press Ctrl+C to stop searching and select the number of network you want to hack it.
Searching Wireless Access Point
Searching Wireless Access Point
In the point of WPS Attack, press Ctrl+C to reject the WPS Attack.
Reject WPS attack
Reject WPS attack
Wifite forced the clients to authenticate with WAP by sending de-authenticate request.
Send de-authenticate request
Send de-authenticate request
Authentication is the process of sending user name and password from client to WAP. When the clients send request, the packet will captured by Wifite. It continue lessening for handshake…
Lessening for client handshake
Lessening for client handshake
Now it found, captured and saved a handshake packets.
New handshake found and captured
New handshake found and captured
Now try to crack the captured files with Aircrack and Crunch. To do this type the commands like the screenshot and press enter.
Create Wordlist and Cracking
Create Wordlist and Cracking
Wile the Crunch create password list and the aircrack check them to find the password.
Cracking Process
Cracking Process
It takes time too much just for numbers but be patent, and if you try to crack alphabets it’s possible but need more time and a strong processor.
The Second way: Using airmon-ng to set the wireless card to monitoring mode and airodump-ng for capturing clients handshake. For cracking again you must use aircrack with a password list.
Customize sublime textSublime text the most liked text editor for web designer and developers. You might have seen pro developers using sublime text with beautiful layout and theme design. Today we will guide you through installing and configure some essential packages to customize sublime text and make it attractive and amazing.

Pre-requirement For Customization

Mainly, there are two ways to install packages for sublime text. One through package installer and the second is to install manually. In this tutorial, we will use package installer. If you are brand new to package installer, here is how you use it.
Package Installer is simple a way to add plugin or new feature to sublime text. By default, you can not use it in sublime text. You have to install it. It’s pretty simple. Just to go package controller site and install package controller.
Depending on your sublime text version, copy the code they give you and open sublime text. Go to view > show console, past the code and press enter. It will install package controller. You will see two new options under the preferences. Package settings andPackage controller.
We will use package control for installing new packages. Click on the option and you will see a pop-op window. Type install package and enter. Wait until the new window open. Now you can install any package or theme you want.

Customize Sublime Text, Installing theme

customize sublime text material theme
customize sublime text material theme
Material design and material theme is one of the most liked theme for sublime text and other text editors. You might have seen other pro developers who are using this them. Here is how you find it.
Where you install packages, search for Material theme and install. After installation, restart the Sublime text. Now you must can customize sublime text for current user.
Go to Preferences > settings – user.
You will see some default options. Customize it they way you want. Here is a basic customization options for material theme. Just copy and replace everything and save it.
After saving the file, you will see the material theme effected.
For more options, check the documentation for material theme here.

Install Color Sublime

Color Sublime is one of other great package for sublime text. It will help you customize sublime text color. Search for sublime colorsublime package and install.
To use color sublime, write colorsublime in package control instead of install package. And than you can install any theme color you want. If not sure search for Facebook, or bitterweet that looks good to me.


Now you know how to install package and themes. Feel free to search for other packages that you might like and install theme. I hope it has been informative for you. If you have any good package or question, feel free to share it on the comment bellow. 🙂

There is often spirited discussion and debate about the differences between Programmers, Hackers, and Developers. Most descriptions I’ve seen are flawed in at least one serious way, so I wanted to assemble my own—hopefully more accurate—definitions.
  1. Programmer is someone who can solve problems by by manipulating computer code. They can have a wide range of skill levels—from just being “ok” with basic scripting to being an absolute sorcerer with any language.
  2. Hacker is someone who makes things. In this context, it’s someone who makes things by programming computers. This is the original, and purest definition of the term, i.e., that you have an idea and you “hack” something together to make it work. It also applies to people who modify things to significantly change their functionality, but less so.
  3. Developer is a formally trained programmer. They don’t just solve problems or create things, but do so in accordance with a set of design and implementation principles. These include things like performance, maintainability, scale, robustness, and (ideally) security.
In short, all three solve problems using code. Programmer is the umbrella term which means problem solver, a Hacker is thecreator/tinkerer, and a Developer is a formally trained programmerwho doesn’t just solve problems but does so in a structured and disciplined way likely learned as part of a formal education.


People can be any combination of these. Here’s how they relate to each other (also see the Venn diagram above):
  • All hackers and developers are programmers
  • Many programmers, and even developers, are not creative enough to be considered hackers
  • Many programmers, and even hackers, are not educated or experienced enough to be considered developers
Ideally, one would strive to be all three, i.e., creative enough to be considered a hacker, but with enough formal training and experience todesign software rather than simply…well, hacking it together.
But even if you aren’t very creative, and/or lack the education and/or experience to properly build massive applications, you should still be proud to be a programmer. Solving problems using code is a superpower by itself.


  1. There is a broader type of Hacker which can apply to any field, not just computers. This article specifically deals with the software type.
  2. A “coder” is basically a synonym for programmer.
  3. Hacking is often, but not always, associated with poor quality. This is because it usually takes place in a rush of creativity that is best not slowed by the friction of doing things properly. In cases where a hacker is also a developer, or has an eye for design and quality elsewise, they almost inevitably have to come back to their creations afterward and clean them up.
  4. The determination of who gets called a hacker and who doesn’t is a contentious one. The basic rules that most agree on include 1) that you need to have made one or more things that people find useful, and 2) be recognized as a hacker by other hackers.
  5. The term “Software Engineer” is nearly synonymous with Developer for these purposes. It means someone who is well-rounded in all aspects of software creation, and not just a few.
  6. It is possible for someone to have engineer/developer-type skills without formal training, but it is not common.
  7. In the security world, a hacker also means multiple things. For testers it usually means someone who understands systems and can defeat their security controls. In the top tiers of security, however, the definition returns to its more pure form, i.e. someone who creates security software or tools used by others.
  8. In popular culture, hacker means computer criminal. Within the security world that type of actor is often referred to as an “attacker”.
  9. Eric Raymond, a notable programmer and personality in the original computer community, defines a hacker like so, “An intelligent, creative, and open-minded individual who enjoys problem-solving, learning, and the sharing of knowledge above all else.”
  10. “Software Engineer” is synonymous with Developer. It implies a formal education in the core concepts of software architecture, design, and the requisite pre-education to support it.

In this article, you will get how to activate Find My Mobile on Galaxy J5. Have you lost your mobile before? don’t worry if you have lost your mobile from now you will not lose your mobile. Most of the time we lose or forget our mobile in our  friends house , relatives house or anywhere that you are guest or any restaurant or anywhere else, so we are worried about the data or losing that and it can be just a gift from someone special for you or any kind of prize that is important for you and you must not lose your mobile or especially children do think that when they lose the mobile, their parents will be angry on them or they will beat them.
Don’t be worried there is a way that you will find your mobile you will not lose your mobile that is given by someone special or you don’t need to be worried that your father or mother will be angry with you so to activate Find My Mobile on Android, just follow the a few steps under and you will not lose your mobile.

Activate Find My Mobile on Android

At the first you need to have a Samsung account if you don’t have, don’t be worry you can make aSamsung account from here. 
Step#1. Got to the mobile menu and click in Setting.


Step#2. Scroll down and search for ”Lock screen and Security” then click on that.

lock screen and security
lock screen and security

Step#3.  take a look at the bottom of your mobile’s page and you will find it and it is  ”Find My Mobile” then click.

find my mobile
find my mobile

Step #4. Write your username and your password you must be sure about your username and password.

login mobile
login mobile

Step #5. when you get in so just turn on the remote control in the list there.

remote control on
remote control on

And finally, we activate Find My Mobile on Android devices if you lose your mobile so just the easiest way is to go the website of Find My Mobile and track your mobile from there. but a question arises that how I should track my mobile from a website. well no matter we are here we will show you again step  by step to find you mobile and I want you to follow the step as under then you will find and we will show you something extra also if you like that so just here step by steps.
If you don’t know how to go to the website just click here.
When you got there something is written at the corner right side of the page and that is log in so just click login.

click for login
click for login

Step #1. write your Samsung galaxy account with your sure account password and click on the Sign in button.

login site
login site

Step #2. from the list select Locate my device.

select locate my location
select locate my location

Step #3. Click on Locate my device then it will locate. here in the middle of the page, the website will show your device location on the map and it will notify your mobile also about funding.

click on locate my device
click on locate my device